Cabin Type Rate
Please note, while prices and inclusions are accurate at time of loading they are subject to change due to changes in cruise line policies and pricing and due to currency fluctuations. Currency surcharges may apply. Please check details of price and inclusions at time of booking.

Cruise Description

From Copenhagen to Berlin, sail along the Baltic Sea, the Oder and the Havel on a cruise combining modernity and tradition, originality and simplicity. Visit the remains of Chorin Abbey, the finest example of brick architecture in Northern Germany. Discover spectacular coastlines with fine sandy beaches and limestone cliffs on the islands of Usedom and Rügen, but also cities with unique architecture such as Stralsund, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

Day 1
We'll meet up in Copenhagen. In the afternoon, we'll set out on a panoramic tour of the city. This tour will take you past the most beautiful monuments of the city all the way to the seafront from where you'll get to catch a glimpse of the statue of the Little Mermaid. At the end of the afternoon, we'll settle into our 4-star hotel and enjoy dinner.

Day 2
We'll depart by coach for Gedser. We'll arrive in the morning and board a ferry boat headed to Rostock (2-hour crossing.) Enjoy lunch on your own. We'll reach Rostock early this afternoon. Upon arrival, you'll be transferred by coach to Stralsund where you'll board our ship. The afternoon is free to do as you please. After returning on board, we'll introduce our crew at a welcome cocktail before dinner.

Day 3
This morning will be dedicated to an optional excursion to the island of Rügen. Afterwards, we'll return on board. In the afternoon, we'll set out for our optional guided tour of Stralsund. We'll return on board and start cruising towards Greifswald, reaching it in the evening.

Day 4
Join us for an optional guided tour of Greifswald. Afterwards, we'll return on board and start cruising towards Wolgast. We'll reach Wolgast in the afternoon. You're welcome to take part in our excursion to the island of Usedom. We'll return on board for an evening of entertainment.

Day 5
This morning will be spent cruising towards Szczerin. This afternoon, join us for a optional guided tour of the city. We'll return on board afterwards.

Day 6
We'll spend this morning sailing towards Lunow. Join us for an optional excursion to the Cistercian Chorin Abbey. We'll return on board in Oderberg and continue cruising. Tonight's our gala dinner and evening. We'll reach Lichterfelder later this evening.

Day 7
We'll depart early in the morning towards Henningsdorf. We'll cruise all morning, reaching our destination before lunch. Join us for an optional guided tour of Berlin. We'll return on board afterwards. The evening is free to do as you please.

Day 8
Enjoy one last buffet breakfast on board before disembarking at 9:00 a.m. End of our services.

Cruise Itinerary

Date Activity Arrive Depart
28/07 Copenhagen, Denmark
29/07 Stralsund, Germany 6:00 PM
30/07 Stralsund, Germany 6:30 PM
30/07 Greifswald, Germany 10:00 PM
31/07 Greifswald, Germany 11:30 AM
31/07 Wolgast, Germany 2:30 PM
01/08 Wolgast, Germany 4:00 AM
01/08 Szczecin, Poland 12:00 PM
02/08 Szczecin, Poland 6:00 AM
02/08 Lunow, Germany 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
02/08 Oderberg, Germany 5:00 PM 5:30 PM
02/08 Niederfinow, Germany 8:00 PM 10:00 PM
02/08 Lichterfelde, Germany 11:30 PM
03/08 Lichterfelde, Germany 2:00 AM
03/08 Lehnitz, Germany 7:30 AM 8:30 AM
03/08 Hennigsdorf, Germany 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
03/08 Spandau, Berlin, Germany 6:00 PM
04/08 Spandau, Berlin, Germany
Itinerary may vary by sailing date and itineraries may be changed at the cruise lines discretion. Please check itinerary details at time of booking and before booking other travel services such as airline tickets.